Welcome To BDJ Jobs' Recruiter Services
New Year Offer £595
- 60 day listing
- Priority placement above Promoted and Essential jobs
- Stand out with a pink background
- Unlimited wording
- Relevant jobseekers alerted to your advert by email
- Employer Profile featuring your logo to promote your dental practice
Usually: £790 (+VAT)
Special offer: £595 (+VAT)
Saving: £195 (+VAT)
Expires 31st Jan, 2025
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It's quick and easy to advertise your vacancy and attract the right person for the job from the thousands of BDJ Jobs users.
Choose from a range of affordable packages to post online or contact our sales team to arrange a print advertisement.
Click below to pick your advertising package.
Looking to place a job vacancy as a print advert in the British Dental Journal?
Call our Sales Team on 020 7843 4729.
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Membership gives you access to a wealth of advice while you recruit and induct your new team members, including:
- Employment law
- Parental leave and flexible working
- Pay and rewards
- Managing teams
- Associate contracts
- Mediation services on associate disputes
- NEW: Access to indemnity
bda.org/join | 020 7563 4550
Just some of our satisfied clients:
What recruiters think:
"The response from the advert was amazing. We found several excellent applicants. It is the only place I would advertise for associates and would recommend the option of online listing. The BDJ’s service was friendly, helpful and efficient."
Dr. Vinai Patel, Stratford E15